I shouldn't be allowed out

As Rhianna approaches teenager-dom (tomorrow), family conversation is rather dominated by discussions on her need and desire for more freedom of movement. These discussions have taken on new meaning, since it has become clear that while I exhort them to ‘take care’ just as my mother did, they have good reason to doubt that I am capable in that regard myself.

I am writing with one arm in a sling, - fortunately the left -, complemented by the most terrific array of bruises all down my left side, in all the usual stomach-churning shades .

Although it’s an incomplete fracture, the injury to my arm is causing pretty complete chaos round here as well as a (temporary, believe me) role reversal the girls are thoroughly enjoying. They nag me to put on my sling to rest the joint and time me at my computer keyboard. They cook meals, bless them! and they are now loathe to let me out on my own. Me, a forty something woman who manages to fall up stairs in the middle of the afternoon, of course in a public place, while no more intoxicated than in the enjoyment of an absorbing conversation with a friend I hadn’t seen for a while? Well, maybe they have a point.

While my girls, your girls, your boys help around the home and take on chores at school and in the community, have a look at today’s entry for Absolutely Speechless Wednesday on child slavery. Sobering. Outrageous. I for one am going to join an anti-slavery or
ganisation today and start speaking up and out.

Here's my it works for me Wednesday - a very easy, quick Easter egg craft.

Hard boil as many eggs as you feel you need. Cool them in a bowl of cold water to stop the yolks turning grey, (discoloured yolks always puts my children off eating them. )

Raid your sewing or junk box for items small enough to stick onto the eggs. Try out tiny flowers, poppers (press studs), even bits of sewing or embroidery thread. For a 'robots' approach look in the tool box for tiny tin tacks, screws, whatever. You can paint or not. Try offering prizes for 'alien' eggs pretty eggs, ugly eggs, geek eggs - friendliest egg, most appetising, most colourful, so that everyone is a winner. This project puts the fun into fiddly plus gets away from the pretty pretty approach, so may appeal to boys too.

The girls haven't made their eggs for this year yet, but when they do and I have a photo, I'll post it. In the meantime, Spring has sprung.

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